The Cup of the Law

I remember thinking that the YOW would end softly and just peter out... Looking back on the end of my YOW, that was not the case. It ended violently, just like it began. I was sharply thrust into a new world, no longer the soft, contemplative world of the YOW. And I was not expecting it.
The YOW may be likened to a powerful Entity, Who influences you for one year and stays with you. And when that Entity arrives or departs you *feel* it. At least that is what my experience was like.
I am sure that there are all sorts of different experiences of the YOW, just like there are all sorts of different marriages and souls. Each individual will experience the relationship between themselves, their marriage and the YOW Entity differently, because they are all different.
My hope for people who are within a YOW is that they manage to learn everything from their interaction with the Entity that they can. Looked at another way, that Entity may, and the acuteness of the year, may also be likened to one's interactions and relationship to the Laws of Baha'u'llah in general.
For me, I experienced first hand the awesome Power of the Law. The Power with which it began and the Power with which it withdrew it's influence.
I wonder if others experience it like this too? Those who remain steadfast at least.
For those who disregard its purpose and take it lightly, I just feel sorry for them that they won't taste the sweetness of obedience and gain the growth that comes from it. It's too bad, but it's their choice.
It is an opportunity to deepen ones relationship with God. An intimate time of communion with the Creator, through obedience to the Laws.
Bahá'u'lláh says: "In all these journeys the traveler must stray not the breadth of a hair from the 'Law', for this is indeed the secret of the 'Path' and the fruit of the Tree of 'truth', and in all these stages he must cling to the robe of obedience to the commandments, and hold fast to the cord of shunning all forbidden things, that he may be nourished from the cup of the Law and informed of the mysteries of truth."
I offer this quotation to all those Loved Ones of God who are in a YOW, in the hopes that they may turn their hearts towards God and direct their feet along His straight path, that their minds may be illumined of the mysteries behind the mystic veil and their souls rejoice in the knowledge of Him.

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